Thursday, April 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Tracy

Tracy had a little get together to celebrate her birthday!
That weekend we went to the BYU softball game and out to eat at Brick Oven to continue the celebration. 
This is the shirt I was wearing that day...

Upon leaving the restaurant... a man and his wife were walking along the sidewalk. The following conversation unfolded:
Random stranger (to me): "THAT is an UGLY shirt you have on."
I was taken aback? Not once had anyone ever told me what I was wearing was "ugly" (at least to my face). 
After a brief pause, my response was, "Hey now! That's not nice. Where are you from?"
The random stranger replies: "Salem Hills."
Me: "Oh... that it explains it!" 
And we all went on our way. We all burst into laughter. First of all, random. Second of all, who tells someone their clothes are ugly to their face and then just proceeds on their way?

Sidenote: Salem Hills is in our region. Apparently, the man does not like Springville very much.

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